Emergency & Exit Light Inspections

Various local codes, along with insurance company requirements, dictate that all commercial, industrial, institutional and certain multifamily residential facilities have appropriate exit and emergency lights. We can assist in analyzing and selecting the appropriate types, sizes, and locations of these fixtures. Additionally, facility owners are required to inspect these lights monthly and arrange for annual testing by qualified firms.  An owner’s representative is required to inspect, at least monthly, all exit and emergency lights and perform a 30-second functional test on all battery powered fixtures. If deficiencies are noted, immediate corrective action must be taken. In the absence of available personnel, Van’s Fire & Safety can accomplish the monthly inspection and any necessary repairs.

All battery powered exit and emergency lights must be tested and maintained at least annually. This includes a full functional test on every battery powered unit. Complete inspection tasks include:

  • 90 Minute full function test by disconnecting AC power supply to each unit
  • Check battery and lens for corrosion
  • Clean unit and lens
  • Adjust beam for proper alignment
  • Check charging system voltage
  • Check battery voltage output

Van’s Fire & Safety offers emergency and exit lighting inspections and maintenance.

Emergency & Exit Light Supplies
